Let’s say you are attending a large conference or a live debate. While some participants attend in person, other panels may consist of remote participants. Now, imagine everyone listening intently to the speaker or viewing a performance...
Event Crew
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What Does a Spotlight Operator Do?
A spotlight or followspot operator is a stage lighting technician who operates a specialized instrument called a followspot. Read on to learn more about the role.
What Does a Lighting Engineer (L1) Do?
Lighting engineers (L1) control lighting systems at events. Read on to learn more about L1 light engineers.
What is a Graphics Operator?
A graphics operator is responsible for creating and organizing onscreen graphic components for live events. Learn about their role and specific skill sets.
Best Shoes for Live Events Crew
Voted best sneakers to wear while working live events.
What Does a Video Engineer (V1) Do?
A video engineer (V1) is a professional who takes charge of video broadcasting during an event. Learn about their responsibilities and specific skill sets.