Crew Marketplace

Book high-quality crew for events nationwide, on demand.

Every event is only as good as the people who make it happen. That’s why we’re here to connect you with the best people.

LASSO’s Crew Marketplace helps you find and book vetted AV talent in an instant. It’s like having your own scouting department at your disposal—any time, anywhere.

Crew positions we fill


A1s, A2s, and A3 Sound Engineers, RF Technicians


V1s, V2s, Camera Operators, LED techs, Projectionists
& more


L1s, L2s, Lighting Designers, Spotlight Operators, Master Electricians & more


Crew Chiefs, Breakout Operators, Carpenters, AV Techs, Show Callers, Lift Operators & more

Made for the industry, by the industry

People are the heroes behind any successful event.

Rescue your event, your margins, and your blood pressure from the stress of disjointed crew management. When all of your crewing needs are automated and centralized in one place, you’re empowered to focus on what really matters – the people who make your event a success.

I have used several systems in the years I’ve been booking labor, and this is the easiest. LASSO’s Crew Marketplace seems to be set up in the most practical way possible

– Chris Bonner, Labor Control Manager, Freeman

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Get the tools and insights to work faster, make smarter decisions, reliably communicate changes, and enable better visibility into the structure and planning of an event.